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Adaptogen Balance by Wooden Spoon Herbs

Welcome the Adaptogen Balance from Wooden Spoon Herbs! Using an ancient form of herbology, this carefully crafted blend of adaptogenic ingredients like Holy basil herb extract, Reishi fruiting body extract, Ashwagandha root extract, and Goji berry extract will help you stay steady in the face of stress. 

Adaptogen Balance works in two ways to help you navigate turbulent times with confidence. First, it nourishes your nervous system and helps your body constructively respond to stress, allowing you to recover from or prepare for the onset of stress. Second, this special formula helps your mind adapt to stress. Adaptogen Balance can be taken daily for optimal results - helping you stay calm and composed through any situation. So don’t wait any longer - get Adaptogen Balance today and let it be your tranquil companion on life’s journey.

Ingredients: Organic Holy basil herb extract, Organic Reishi fruiting body extract, Organic Ashwagandha root extract, Organic Goji berry extract, Organic Cane Alcohol, Water.
